Organizing Committee

Joeran Beel is Assistant Professor in Intelligent Systems at the School of Computer Science and Statistics at Trinity College Dublin. He is also affiliated with the ADAPT Centre, an interdisciplinary research centre that closely cooperates with industry partners including Google, Deutsche Bank, Huawei, and Novartis. Joeran is further a Visiting Professor at the National Institute of Informatics in Tokyo. His research focuses on information retrieval, recommender systems, user modelling and machine learning. He has developed novel algorithms in these fields and conducted research on the question of how to evaluate information retrieval systems. Joeran also has industry experience as a product manager and as the founder of three business start-ups, he experienced the algorithm selection problem first hand. Joeran is serving as general co-chair of the upcoming 26th Irish Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science and served on program committees for major information retrieval venues including SIGIR, ECIR, UMAP, RecSys, and ACM TOIS.

Lars Kotthoff is Assistant Professor at the University of Wyoming. He leads the Meta-Algorithmics, Learning and Large-scale Empirical Testing (MALLET) lab and has acquired more than $400K in external funding to date. Lars is also the PI for the Artificially Intelligent Manufacturing center (AIM) at the University of Wyoming. He co-organized multiple workshops on meta-learning and automatic machine learning and the Algorithm Selection Competition Series. He was workshop and masterclass chair at the CPAIOR 2014 conference and organized the ACP summer school on constraint programming in 2018. His research combines artificial intelligence and machine learning to build robust systems with state-of-the-art performance. Lars’ more than 60 publications have garnered ~800 citations and his research has been supported by funding agencies and industry in various countries.

Programme Committee

Akiko Aizawa National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo
Andreas Nürnberger University of Magdeburg
Andreas Weiler ZHAW School of Engineering
Corinna Breitinger University of Konstanz
Dietmar Jannach University of Klagenfurt
Douglas Leith Trinity College Dublin
Felix Beierle Technical University of Berlin
Felix Hamborg University of Konstanz
Heike Trautmann University of Münster
Johann Schaible GESIS
Katharina Eggensperger University of Freiburg
Zeljko Carevic GESIS
Marius Lindauer University of Freiburg
Mark Collier University of Edinburgh
Matthias Feurer University of Freiburg
Moritz Schubotz University of Konstanz
Nicola Ferro University of Padua
Owen Conlan Trinity College Dublin
Pascal Kerschke University of Münster
Pavel Brazdil University of Porto
Rob Brennan Trinity College Dublin
Roman Kern Know-Center, Austria
Vincent Wade Trinity College Dublin
Tiago Cunha University of Porto