All submissions are subject to peer review by three members of the programme committee. Full papers and short papers/posters must be original, i.e. they must not have been published elsewhere in a venue subject to peer review. You may, however, publish your manuscript on pre-print repositories such as arXiv, prior to submitting to the AMIR workshop. For each accepted paper, at least one author must register for a 1-day ticket, and present the paper in person at the workshop.

Submission Format

  • Single-blind (manuscripts should contain full author names and affiliations)
  • Page Layout: Springer’s LNCS Format (MS Word; MS Word 2003; LaTeX)
  • File Format: PDF

Submission System


Page Limits

  1. Full Papers (max. 12 pages + references)
  2. Short Papers / Posters (max. 6 pages + references)
  3. Nectar papers (1 page + references)

Paper Types

  • original research
  • novel datasets
  • real-world applications (demonstrations)
  • literature surveys
  • critical discussions (position paper)