We are delighted to announce the launch of our new website for AMIR — The 1st Interdisciplinary Workshop on Algorithm Selection and Meta-Learning in Information Retrieval. AMIR has been accepted as a workshop at the 41st European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR) in Cologne, Germany.
Our goal is to bring together researchers from the fields of algorithm selection and meta-learning as well as information retrieval. We aim to raise the awareness of the algorithm selection problem in the IR community; identify the potential for automatic algorithm selection in information retrieval; and explore possible solutions for this context. In particular, we will explore to what extent existing solutions to the algorithm selection problem from other domains can be applied in information retrieval, and also how techniques from IR can be used for automated algorithm selection and meta-learning.
AMIR is held on 14 April 2019 in Cologne, Germany. Follow us on Twitter to receive regular updates.